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eJournal & library access

eJournal & library access

UNSW is your University for life and a passionate supporter of your lifelong learning and professional development. 


The University extends free eJournal access to all UNSW Alumni members. Explore below articles and studies published on six of the world’s most prestigious academic platforms. To access, log into your alumni portal

  1. Wiley Journals 
  2. Project Muse 
  3. Sage Journals
  4. JSTOR (open access only - articles cannot be downloaded)
  5. PUBMED (open access only - articles cannot be downloaded)
  6. GreenFILE (open access only - articles cannot be downloaded)

UNSW Library onsite access 

If you have graduated from UNSW or have completed your program and are eligible for graduation, you may apply for a free, onsite Library alumni membership

To apply, please visit the UNSW Library website.
