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Dr Happy’s 5 healthy habits for happiness


With our global community experiencing an unprecedented number of challenges at the moment, the need for maintaining good health and wellbeing matters more than ever.

To commemorate International Day of Happiness on 20th March, a day that reminds us of the power that our actions can have to build a more compassionate world, we asked UNSW Science alumnus Dr. Tim Sharp on his 5 healthy habits for happiness.

Dr. Tim Sharp, aka. “Dr. Happy”, is an internationally renowned leader in the field of Positive Psychology. He created and serves as CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) at the Happiness Institute, Australia’s first organisation aimed entirely at enhancing happiness in individuals, families and organisations.

1. Set and work towards meaningful goals (and as a result, enjoy the benefits of accomplishment and achievement)

2. Take care of your physical health by exercising regularly, eating well and prioritising sleep (it’s hard to be happy if you’re sick and tired all the time)

3. Foster hope, optimism and gratitude by focusing more on what you have, and less on what you don’t have, more on what’s right and a bit less on what’s wrong

4. Connect with others because good quality relationships are probably the most important contributor to happiness, health and wellbeing

5. Accept that it’s OK not to be OK some of the time; although happiness is a great goal, we can’t and shouldn’t expect to be happy every minute of every day

Want to hear more from Dr Happy? Register now to attend our In Conversation event with him on Friday, 22 April.
